Handicap Parking Placards

Temporary Handicap Parking Placards

Washington Township is authorized to distribute "temporary" handicap" placards to all residents who qualify per state law. 

Temporary placards can be issued to persons with a temporary disability and are valid for the length of time indicated by the certifying physician, not to exceed six months if issued by the Secretary of State and 90 days if issued by a local municipality. This placard DOES NOT exempt the authorized holder from parking meter fees and time limitations at parking meters.

How do I obtain a temporary disability parking placard?
An applicant must complete a Persons with Disabilities Certification for Parking Placard/License Plates form (VSD 62) certifying the disability by a licensed physician. Return the form to our office, and based on the information on the certification form, a disability parking placard will be issued. The placard is valid for THREE MONTHS. 

If the applicant is applying for a "permanent" placard or plates, return the form to our office and we will forward it to the Secretary of States Office. The Secretary of State's Office will then mail you the placard or plates. 

I have more than one vehicle; will I receive one for each vehicle?

Only one disability parking placard will be issued to an applicant. A parking placard issued by the Secretary of State's office or a local municipality may be used in any vehicle, provided the placard holder is either a driver or passenger and will be entering or exiting the vehicle while it is parked in the designated disability parking space.


FAQs Persons with Disabilities

Guidelines for Use

Penalties for Misuse of Disabled License Plates or Parking Placards

The following violations are Class A misdemeanors for a first offense and may result in a fine of up to $2,500, a one-year driver's license suspension and possible confiscation and revocation of the disability parking placard or license plates. Violators may be charged with a Class 4 felony for a second offense which may result in a fine up to $25,000 and possible jail time between one and three years.

  • Using a deceased persons disability license plates or parking placard
  • Altering a parking placard.
  • Possessing a fake, fraudulent, lost or stolen placard.
  • Duplicating or manufacturing a placard.
  • Selling or otherwise distributing a fraudulent placard.
  • Obtaining a placard or plate under false pretenses.

