Supervisor Mike Stanula
Welcome to the Washington Township Website, this is one of the many informational services that our township is proud to provide you with. I would like you to take this opportunity to browse through our website and become familiar with the programs and services that we as a township offer.
Township Government is the truest form of a governing body that is “for the people, by the people”. We are able to make an impact on our resident’s lives because we are small and accessible. It allows us as a governing body the ability to go out, identify the needs of our township and in-turn deliver a solution, or work with other governing bodies to deliver a solution. We support solutions that benefit both our present and future township residents.
Trustees: Tracy Heldt, Mark Herlitz, George Obradovich, Teresa Peterson
Washington Township has partnered with "Catholic Charities" to offer assistance to our seniors in need! Click HERE to learn more!
NOTICE: There have been reports of gunfire in the unicoprarted area of the Township.
Please be safe and follow the WIll County law!
"DISCLAIMER: This website is made available for general reference only and may not reflect official positions of Washington Township. It is understood that the information contained on this website is being soley used at the User's on risk."