Early Government

On the first Tuesday of April 1856, a meeting was held in the cabin of Joseph White, for the purpose of organizing a township and selecting township officers. Thirty voters attended and the following officers were elected: 

  • Rensallear Richards ---- supervisor and assessor
  • E.C. Richards ---- town clerk 
  • W.A. Connor ---- collector
  • W.A. Bliss ---- overseer of the poor
  • Henry Bahlman, Joseph Irish and Joseph Maxwell ---- commissioners of highways
  • Joseph White and Williams Watkins ---- justices of the peace
  • Isaiah Goodenow and J. H. Irish ---- constables

The newly formed township was named Washington Township, apparently in honor of George Washington, the first U.S. President.

The new village of Beecher was officially recorded at the Will County Clerk’s office in Joliet with the Recorder of Deeds on December 6, 1870. 

The Beecher Post Office was established on June 21, 1870. It had been Washington Center Post Office for the previous eight years.

However the first official village meeting was not held until 13 years later.

Will County Township division map circa 1873

Reprinted with Permission.
Beecher, Quasquecentennial 1870-1995
Author = Shirley Biery
Copyright 1995
Beecher Area Quasquecentennial Commission